
Real Estate

Find the right place for your next asset

Identify the keys to the success of your assets according to the type of land, the appraisal, the type of product, your target audience, etc

Analyse your assets centrally

Centralise all your analysis within the same tool. Segment your portfolio according to the surrounding population, the footfall, commercial transactions and points of interest, among others

Accelerate the return on investment of your assests

Discover the location of your target audience, by age, number of people, and purchasing power, to optimise your sales or rental campaigns for your assets

Some of Featured Use Case
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Check Home values and housing tenure.

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Check homes for sale or, as this map shows, the average property tax bill by city.

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Check Detailed data, including streets and landmarks with Satellite Imagery

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Site location tools let you identify efficient locations for serving all of your customers or employees.

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Drive-time ring tools let you visualize the accessibility of locations.

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Use 3d GIS to view occupancy and other information for better Planning

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