
Property Taxation Mapping.

Our Solutions

The Overview



Finding land records no longer requires digging through files in offices spread. The key to maintaining public trust and confidence is to efficiently maintain accurate and current information while quickly responding to taxpayer inquiries. The Assessment, Tax and Land Records solution suite improves analysis, simplifies public access to information, streamlines workflows, and helps you efficiently manage staff.


Assessors use the portal to view real estate market data by neighborhood, calculate assessment and sales data, and ensure fair and equitable assessments of taxable residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial property. Planning and Community Development staff rely on the Land Information Portal to conduct development reviews and coordinate with the City

Public Data Access

Value Analysis

Appeals Defense

Field Operations

Parcel Managements

Deed Examining

Workflow Manager

Tax Map Book

Community Parcels

Parcel Editing Solutions

Data Reviewers for Tax Parcels



The portal has become an invaluable tool in a surprising number of staff workflows. Its wide applicability even surprised its creators. The Land Information Portal plays an integral role in the county's daily operations and serves as a perfect model for any county to replicate.

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