In today's competitive marketplace, successful brands are listening to and understanding what customers really care about. Traditional and previously proven forms of marketing are no longer as effective as they once were. This is where geographic information system (GIS) technology comes in, allowing you to visualize where your customers are located by analyzing demographic, psychographic, purchasing, and spending characteristics for accurate customer segmentation and helping you find more like them.
As important term in Marketing, "Customer Buying Pattern and Behavior" is important aspect which enables you predict their behavior, with this data using GIS we can provide opportunity for upward and cross selling campaigns, better responses to program and create promotional campaign at precise location which will be more result oriented.
It also users to integrate demographic, geographic, purchasing into system that will accurately segment your customers, thus enabling in better decision making and product placement.
It is most crucial part for any business and also the most expensive exercise. Knowing the existing data such customer buying power, preferred buying location and etc we can focus on perfect location which will results in more customer.
Using GIS Datasets, Business can more effectively make a strategy which will allow companies to reach current and potential customers through variety of medium such as catalogs, prints and televisions. GIS helps you setting up a campaign at a perfect location.
Uncover new response markets.
Target messages by segments.
Analyze purchasing power versus product mix.
Map current customers.
Examine under- and overperforming markets.
Locate customers on map.
Assign customers service staff to each customers.
Create customer service groups based on product territories.
Recording customer contact.
Initiate customer feedback.
Track advertising success
Map successful campaign territories
Examine regional response to new products
Screen product use by region
Segments your customers by product preferences.
Create a model that matches your best customers.
Score your prospects by demographic factors(age, income, education).
Select prospects by community segments.
Screen new markets by sales potential.